Prder and build a Hyper Wizard Complete bike in Jet Fuel color, most all parts in Jet Fuel

First, BMX riding is an ideal way for our moto-obsessed youngsters to have fun and practice their skills when they can’t be on their motorcycles. Second, it’s never a good idea to round up two overly enthusiastic kid test riders and then expect them to be patient and wait their turn to ride the bike.… Continue reading Prder and build a Hyper Wizard Complete bike in Jet Fuel color, most all parts in Jet Fuel

Prder and build a Hyper Wizard Complete bike in Jet Fuel color, most all parts in Jet Fuel

We believe that the horse should be put first in all things. The best management practice will always place the needs of those that we lead above self. If we seek to lead either people or animals, we must first become the servant of either. It is from this position of servant-hood to the horse that… Continue reading Prder and build a Hyper Wizard Complete bike in Jet Fuel color, most all parts in Jet Fuel