To choose the best smoking pipes, you should understand the different parts of a typical pipe. Unfortunately, the price of glass pipes can get confusing due to this level of variation. If your bong has an ice catcher, you may use ice cubes to make your smoking experience even smoother and help lessen the rougher… Continue reading Glass Pipes & Smoking Pipes Up-N-Smoke Louisville, KY
Tag: upnsmoke
Glass Pipes & Smoking Pipes Up-N-Smoke Louisville, KY
These pipes come in many sizes, depending on what you want to use inside. Dab Rigss for tobacco will always differ from glass pipes for various dry herbs. But it doesn’t matter which type of pipe you buy because you can slip them into your pocket with your lighter and smoke on the go. A… Continue reading Glass Pipes & Smoking Pipes Up-N-Smoke Louisville, KY
Glass Pipes & Smoking Pipes Up-N-Smoke Louisville, KY
Additionally, a carb is usually located on the bowl side of the pipe, a small hole that’s covered while a person lights up, and is then released, clearing smoke in the pipe. What we know about glass will be far more information than you probably want. But we can distill it down to the important… Continue reading Glass Pipes & Smoking Pipes Up-N-Smoke Louisville, KY
Glass Pipes & Smoking Pipes Up-N-Smoke Louisville, KY
Bongs are made out of three main materials, glass, silicone or acrylic (Plastic). All bongs no matter what material they are made out of function exactly the same way. The only water pipes thing to consider once again is what type of bong smoker are you. Glass bongs are always our preferred choice because they… Continue reading Glass Pipes & Smoking Pipes Up-N-Smoke Louisville, KY