It’s a bit larger than units I’ve used in the past, but it’s extremely quiet when running. The air quality in the house seems to have improved-there is less sneezing and the indicator light changed color, indicating less airborne particles. The true test is yet to come alen breathesmart once our house is closed up for… Continue reading dlarrick alen-mqtt: Simple code to read from an Alen Tuya air purifier and publish values via MQTT
Tag: dlarrick
dlarrick alen-mqtt: Simple code to read from an Alen Tuya air purifier and publish values via MQTT
The filters are of higher quality than most other purification systems in that it usually lasts months. The machine automatically notifies you with a red light on the top control panel when filters need to be replaced. Whether you have seasonal or chronic allergies, you understand how miserable they can be. Air purifiers can greatly help… Continue reading dlarrick alen-mqtt: Simple code to read from an Alen Tuya air purifier and publish values via MQTT