Each time it took about 60 pulses to get to a reasonable pesto consistency, but it was still a bit on the chunky side. Between every 15 pulses, I mixed the ingredients with a spatula to make sure that it blended the pesto evenly. It only took the Ninja 15 pulses to get a totally… Continue reading Hamilton Beach Blender Chopper 9277627
Tag: 9277627
Hamilton Beach Blender Chopper 9277627
True to form, the three most powerful models all did incredibly well, producing perfect almond flour and smooth almond butter in under 10 minutes. So in this case, the Hamilton Beach actually outperformed a $200 model. Overall, though, it couldn’t make the transition to almond butter (and neither could the Cuisinart). The more powerful blenders,… Continue reading Hamilton Beach Blender Chopper 9277627