Finsbury Cherry Pipe Tobacco 12 Oz Bag

Striking the match, the magical properties of the blend’s true character soon reveal themselves. Categorizing this flair, a deep, dense, and highly complex string of flavorful notes strike the principal chords of Bag End’s gentle melody. This lovely tune resounds consistently to the completion of the smoking session.

Virginias are often used as the base tobacco in blends, but they are smoked “straight” as well. Straight Virginias undergo changes in flavor as they age, similar to fine wines. Lighter in body than Oriental blends, they have a subtle complexity of flavor that makes them a favorite of many experienced smokers. A good aromatic tobacco is lightly topped with a natural flavoring. Aromatics tend to be more moist than non-aromatics due to the flavoring added, which can lead to problems smoking them. In the case of a moist or wet blend, problems can also be avoided if care is taken in the preparation of the tobacco.

Our tobacco pouch is a timeless leather roll for keeping your tobacco accessories safe and together in one place. I did not have to dry this out before smoking, but it burned hot and I had to force myself to slow down to keep the tounge-bite away (probably a good thing, still learning). If I can find more blends like this where it is in the background and not in your face I may give them a try. Ideal for blowing smoke rings with a visiting wizard friend.

Pipe Tobacco in Bags

As stated before, location (soil, climate, etc.) will greatly affect the flavor and character of any tobacco. It is not necessarily true, though, that the best VA’s come from the United States, or from the state of Virginia. The only place in the world Perique Pipe Tobacco can be grown is in a small section of Louisiana called St. James Parish. Inside St. James Parish, the best location for growing (and the only place it’s grown now) is a very small area called Grande Pointe Ridge, which can be found in the town of Paulina.

Heating tobacco that you like is not a good idea, as it will change the character of the blend. Blenders do it in specifically controlled ways – stoving, panning, steaming – to alter Pipe Tobacco in Cans the characteristics of the leaf before, and sometimes after blending. But, if you like the way the tobacco “comes together” now, you may be less than happy if you nuke it.