Fine-cut Tobacco Scandinavian Tobacco Group

The term “minimize specification” is used throughout the specification to discuss with the varied geometric parameters characterising the strips obtained by subjecting a tobacco material to a chopping operation. Thus, in accordance to a given “minimize specification”, a tobacco materials shall be cut or shredded into strips having a predetermined minimize width, reduce length, reduce shape and so forth. Further, it might be desirable to provide one such improved process that enables for a better management of the shape, size and properties of the reconstituted tobacco matter forming a part of the cut filler. At the same time, it would be fascinating to provide one such process that does not require any main modification of the standard equipment and services used within the major treatment of tobacco.

A tobacco cut filler according to claim 1 or 2, whereby the primary tobacco material is a pre- processed tobacco material. In a third experiment, the cut specification no. 10 was barely modified with a view to improving the resistance of the particles to the stresses involved by the cigarette-making course of. In explicit, there was concern that during the cigarette-making process the tobacco particle could be uncovered to excessive tensions and frictions which could cause particles ready in accordance with the reduce specification no. 10 to interrupt. This may have decreased the profit coming from the V-shape and proven by the CCV measurements described above. Figure thirteen depicts a schematic view of an apparatus for forming a tobacco cut filler in accordance with the present invention. Figures depict several examples of particularly shapes into which tobacco materials for forming a minimize filler in accordance with the current invention could also be minimize.

Filling cut tobacco

In follow, one such reduce strip could also be described as approximately wave-shaped or zigzag-shaped. Accordingly, geometric parameters corresponding to the peak amplitude, peak-to-peak amplitude, interval of a sine wave could additionally be used to describe the shape of one such minimize strips. A tobacco reduce filler contains a first tobacco material reduce in accordance with a first minimize specification, wherein the primary reduce specification sets no much less than predetermined first cut width and first minimize length. A tobacco minimize filler based on any one of the previous claims, wherein the first tobacco material is shredded into strips having a cut width from about 0.2 mm to about 1 mm.

Preferably, the primary tobacco materials is shredded into strips whereby the minimize length is greater than the minimize width. Further, when reconstituted tobacco undergoes the same therapies as tobacco lamina, a big amount of tobacco mud Fashion tobacco pipe is formed. Besides, in the curiosity of course of economy, it’s desirable that the tobacco mud be reprocessed in some type or other to extend the general effectivity.

The yield of flat rolled stem which can be used instantly as filler is increased, and the average stem size and thus the common size of reduce filler from stem is elevated. A tobacco minimize filler based on any one of many preceding claims having a filling energy of at least three.5 cubic centimetres per gram at a reference moisture worth of 12.5 % oven volatiles. Accordingly, tobacco particles were ready from the same sheet of reconstituted tobacco in accordance with the cut specification illustrated in Figure 12, wherein the reduce width SCW1 is of zero.9 millimetres, the minimize length CL1 is of four.94 millimetres and the global width CW1 is of 12.50 millimetres.

In the embodiment of Figure 10, the two straight components are considerably perpendicular. The cut strip of Figure 12 may be regarded as comprising three V-shaped structures of the sort illustrated in Figure 1 , whereby adjoining V-shaped buildings are connected by the ends of respective straight parts. In the embodiments of both Figures 10 and 12 the sectional cut width within all of the structures forming the cut strips is substantially constant. A tobacco minimize filler based on any one of many previous claims, whereby the minimize size distribution among the cut strips of the first tobacco materials is preferably unimodal. By method of instance, the minimize strip of Figure 9 includes a primary Y-shaped construction including a first branching node from which a second Y-shaped construction branches off.

Further, the second Y-shaped structure contains a second branching node from which an oblong construction branches off. In the embodiment of Figure 1 1 , the cut strip contains a first Y-shaped construction including a first branching node from which a second Y-shaped construction branches off. Further, the second Y-shaped construction comprises a second branching node from which a 3rd Y-shaped construction branches off.

Suitable pure tobacco leaf materials embody tobacco lamina, tobacco stem material and tobacco stalk materials. The natural tobacco leaf material used as the second tobacco materials may embrace any kind of tobacco leaf, together with for example Virginia tobacco leaf, Burley tobacco leaf, Oriental tobacco leaf, flue-cured tobacco leaf, or a combination thereof. A tobacco reduce filler according to the present invention contains a first tobacco materials cut in accordance with a primary tobacco pipe minimize specification, whereby the first minimize specification sets at least predetermined first reduce width and first minimize size. The time period “filling power” is used to explain the amount of space taken up by a given weight or mass of a tobacco material. The higher the filling power of a tobacco material, the decrease the weight of the material required to fill a tobacco rod of standard dimensions.

Within a reduce strip of tobacco material, the sectional cut width may be the considerably similar for all of the strip parts. While this could be preferable, the sectional reduce width can also Filling cut tobacco vary from one strip portion to another. Typically, previous to being minimize, a tobacco material could undergo different mechanical operations, similar to rolling or extrusion.