As with most larger appliances and grills that you choose to buy, there are certain factors and features that you should consider. This is because you want your outdoor cooking experience to be what you expect it to be. If you choose to use both at the same time, you will want to decide what you are cooking on which side of the grill. This is because if you want the smoky flavor in your meats, you may choose to cook that on the charcoal side of the grill. Gas grills are not designed to take on other fuels besides propane gas. On the charcoal smoker side, it has 580 square inches of space, as well as a warming rack and ash bucket for easy ash removal.
A regular gas grill offers more convenience, fast, and even heating through efficient burners. Depending on the size of the cooking space, it’s good if your gas and charcoal combo has two burners on the smaller models and at least three burners on the larger combo grills. As with standard grills, hybrid gas grills also come with additional features designed to make using them easier. Many have side tables for prepping food that’s coming on and off the grill. Some hybrid grills also offer storage cabinets as well as shelves and hooks for grill tools. Side burners for preparing sauces and side dishes and temperature gauges on the grill lids are also common features on this type of grill.
The grill also comes with a smoker box as well if you want to smoke food. When you smoke on the unit, there is a draft control as well as a clean-out door to add more chunks and chips if you need them. The chimney draft control also helps to choke the Expert Grill Combo Grills heat down if you need to maintain the temperature. On the propane burning side, it’s got four burners and a piezoelectric ignition. While one is a BTU side burner, there are also three stainless steel burners with 10,000 BTU burning power each.
Additionally, the charcoal side has an area perfect for smoking or grilling, depending on what you prefer. As with other combination grills, the setup for this grill features the Flat Top Grills Gas Grills Pellet side-by-side orientation of the two designs. Between the two grill areas, they share more than 500 square inches of cooking space which makes it much more convenient than most.
That’s because thinner metal will warp more easily under the intense heat created by high-BTU gas burners and the high heat produced by charcoal. Want to grill everyday of the week but don’t have time to light up charcoal every night? Featuring both a gas and charcoal grill in one unit, the Duo lets you grill out every day. Use the gas side to make Monday night burgers and the charcoal side to slow smoke a Sunday brisket. With a 50 burger capacity, you can grill for the whole crew and then some! Made of heavy duty steel, the Duo will be with your family for years to come.
When they released their patented design about gas and charcoal all-in-one elements, it really set the standards for such a high-quality versatile grill. It has some of the leading elements and most popular design features for all your grilling needs. It’s not often that you find such a quality versatile Flat Top Grills Gas Grills Pellet grill at such an affordable price. On the other side, you have a manually controlled charcoal/wood burning chamber if you want more smoke than a traditional pellet grill/smoker can provide. There are many different types of grill smoker combos available and they don’t all do the same thing.