Coolers are undoubtedly expensive, but having a generous warranty can help ease some of the buying anxiety. And a look at the market reveals a surprisingly wide range of available manufacturer guarantees. At the top end are ORCA and ROAM, igloo electric cooler which offer lifetime warranties that cover defects, while most others range from one to 10 years. It’s also important to point out that some companies provide different warranties for their hard-sided versus soft-sided offerings.
It offers up large heavy-duty eight-inch wheels that have been designed to make traversing over rough terrain so much easier. You have to remember that not all coolers are the same in this regard with many cheap coolers which are obviously not included on our list, are not the best at retaining ice for long. There really is nothing worse than opening a cooler after just a few hours in hot weather to find a pool of water and lukewarm beers already. Right, with that out of our system, we might as well get started on showing you some of the best coolers with wheels that your money can buy.
Not only do the brand’s reputable toughness and durability hold up against the competition, the cooler boasts superior insulation and a comfortable towing design. The cooler walls boast up to two inches of insulation to maintain ice integrity, even withstanding triple-digit temperatures. The commercial-grade polyurethane foam pressure-injected into the cooler’s walls and lid keep ice and other contents extra frosty for days. Anything smaller, and you end up carrying a lot of bag and not carrying much of anything else. There just isn’t enough room in those smaller sizes for them to be functional for anything except an individual lunch or a few drinks.
If you’re wondering what kind of foam your cooler has, a good rule of thumb is to try to squeeze the foam with your fingers. If your fingers can compress the foam more than 75%, you’re probably dealing with open-cell foam. If the foam feels denser than that and doesn’t compress much at all, you probably have your hands on closed-cell igloo cooler with wheels foam. With better insulation, a cooler can maintain lower temperatures for longer, thus consuming less ice. That’s important, especially if you, like most people, don’t have a freezer that can produce enough ice to fill a cooler and you tend to resort to buying bags of ice from the grocery store or liquor store.
The Coleman Xtreme features replaceable hardware, whereas some of the company’s cheaper models don’t. This is an important detail because the first thing that will wear out on a cooler is either a hinge or a handle, and having affordable replacements means a cheap repair rather than a brand-new purchase. igloo cooler with wheels At the moment, you can buy Coleman’s replacement hinges and replacement handles for less than $10 each. Quantum Leap, quantum entanglement, Nuka Cola Quantum — examples of awesomeness, all of them. So, find your ideal beach, hike, trail or party cooler with big wheels among all that lot?